Monday, January 28, 2013

Day 28- Butterflies? Crabs? Spiders? I don't know!

So, I decided to make butterflies today because they would be "quick" and we could do a lot of add-on things with them.... or so i thought! I had grand plans, but as always, they don't tend to turn out how I envisioned they would.  Mike painted the girls' hands and had them spread their fingers all the way apart and pushed them onto paper.  Then, he cut their hand prints out and glued the thumbs together.  At this point, we have overlapping thumbs that look like the butterfly body, with four fingers sticking out on either side that should look like wings.

Once everything was dry, Mike let the girls put googly eyes on their "butterflies" and color them with markers.  I had hoped to put antennas on them with pipe cleaners, but dinner got done before we got that far.

So, after the kids went to bed, we grabbed these "butterflies" to photograph them, and well, I don't think they look like butterflies!  They look more like a spider or a crab with an extra leg lol.  I don't know, but where they chose to put their eyes really makes them look like something other than a butterfly.  What do you all think? haha

1 comment:

  1. That is funny you decided they didn't look much like butterflies.....I was trying to figure out by looking, before I read what you wrote.......a butterfly??? Couldn't see it. Ha.Ha. But, hey the important thing is the girls had fun doing this. Susie
