Sunday, January 27, 2013

Day 27- Happy Birthday to my Iris!!

Holy.Crap.  4 years old today.  A friend posted this to Facebook today:
I almost didn't recognize her!  I miss when she was so quiet and small and didn't throw fits and talk back!  But, I also love every new phase and stage in its own way.  I am noticing so quickly how mature and grown up she is becoming and it is so exciting and so sad at the same time.  She isn't my baby anymore, but she can be such a huge help and asset to me and our family.  But, I've digressed from the point of this blog!

Aunt Natalie gave Penny a window catcher making set last night because she has started using the potty like such a big girl!  It is something I have wanted to buy the girls and make with them for quite awhile now, but I haven't had the money to buy all the parts and pieces and hadn't seen a nice little complete set to buy.  I loved them because the sun catchers were small and very simple, something great for a 2 and 4 year old with limited attention spans.

Given that we were traveling from Steubenville back to Cleveland today and didn't get home until slightly after 4, I was so thankful for that craft!  I grabbed a few extra paint brushes and let the girls choose sun catchers and let them start painting.  I love Penny's because it totally looks tie-dyed, and Iris really did a great job at painting her butterfly.

I am really looking forward to seeing the girls start making things like houses and stick figures while we are coloring.  I am hoping that at least Iris begins to do these sorts of things this year.

On a side note, I forgot a craft that we did yesterday at the Children's Museum:  Iris sewed a button on a piece of fabric, and I am going to take it this week and sew it on to another piece of fabric and make a pillow for her American Girl.  I was really impressed with her awesome sewing skills :)

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