Monday, January 21, 2013

Day 21- Birthday Wands

Day 2 of theme week was Birthday Wands.  I will admit, I just about threw the wands out, the girls were being PAINS today.  But that is neither here nor there.
Yesterday, we went to Jo-Anns and I let the kids pick out foam that they wanted.  Iris went straight for the gold glitter foam sheet, which surprised me because there were beautiful pinks, blues, purples, and more glitter sheets that were much more typical colors for Iris.  Penny then chose a bright red glitter sheet, that wasn't so surprising to me.  Then we bought a dowel rod to cut down for the wands.
So, back to the normal supply list:

Foam sheets
Thin ribbon

I made Iris' a princess crown, which the gold sparkles worked well for.  Then I asked Penny what shape she wanted.  I do believe the conversation went like this, "Penny, what shape do you want?  A crown, a star, a heart?" To which, Penny responds, "A night gown!".... "A nightgown???", "A Nightgown!"  So, a nightgown is what she got! lol

Once I got the foam pieces cut out, I let them choose ribbon they wanted and cut long strands to attach to their Birthday wands.  As the girls worked on coloring stars, and other things, I quickly hot glued the pieces to the wands and then glued the ribbons to the inside before attaching the front and back of the wands together.  Iris loves pom-poms and googly eyes, so we obviously decorated her crown with those.  Then i cut out a number 4 from the red for Iris and a gold P for Penny.  The point in which I almost threw the wands away was shortly after I sat there, drew a 4, cut it out, edited it, traced it, cut it out again, and Iris promptly took it while I was gluing a pom-pom onto her wand, and ripped the 4 in half.  I was NOT a happy camper.  I almost didn't re-make it, but I decided that since this was a 4th birthday theme week, we needed the 4, even though I had already made the 4 pointed crown.

Alright, I think I am too tired, I'm just rambling now, I need to go upstairs and get under the blankets and get warm, 11.3* out and dropping... brrrrrrr.  Stay warm everyone!


  1. Great job. Those are cute. Which one of the cotton balls went up Penny's nose? Ha.Ha. Hope you are making a journal of her doings....will be so funny to read about some day..

  2. That was me up there, I don't think any of my comments have been posted. I never noticed the stuff at the bottom of the prove that I am not a robot. Ha.Ha. And I can only put Anonymous, don't know what else to put......sorry you haven't seen my posts.....I did several.......Susie
