Thursday, January 17, 2013

Day 17- Snowmen!

I have to give a little shout out to the Admissions Director @ Spring Garden Waldorf School.   Penny and I were sitting in her office today and I happened to ask her what she wanted to do for craft today and Penny said "snowman!" So I started thinking about how to make one- we did a cotton ball snowman last month- and Amy mentioned "a sock snow man."  Well, that would be about the easiest thing EVER.  Honestly, how many mismatched socks are in this house?  I had batting with my sewing stuff, and everything else was in my craft supplies.

Here is our supply list for today:
1) Mike's white socks
2) scraps of fleece
3) googly eyes
4) hot glue
5) buttons
6) needle and thread
7) batting
8) tiny wooden stars and an orange marker
9) black marker

I gave each kid a huge pile of batting and told them to fill the sock up.  They filled the socks to up to the ankle.  I took them and turned the ankle to the inside and stitched them up.

Afterward, on Iris' snowman, I made three body parts by loosely sewing a circle around the sock and pulling it tight. I gave each girl a star and had them color it orange with a marker, then cut one of the tips off to make the nose, I glued the googly eyes on, had them tie a scarf around the necks, and pick out buttons.  I then hot glued all the pieces on to the snowmen with hot glue.

The girls loved the finished project.  Penny kept calling it her "baby" and they took them for a "walk" how flipping cute???

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