Sunday, February 24, 2013

Day 55: Penguin Family

So, I have decided to do a week of Penguin crafts and to jump start our week, we did a family craft... a family of Penguins.  There is always a learning curve when you do a craft, and you would THINK the learning curve would be with the 1 year old, or the 2 3/4 year old, or the 4 year old, or the person who only sometimes does craft with us... but no, today, it was me.  I just had to color the wrong foot!  Though, I think I can partially blame Mike since he WATCHED me paint the wrong foot lol.

Supplies for today:

1 potato, cut in half
black paint
white paint
yellow paint

First, you cover MOST of your foot, heel, toes, and ball of foot with black, then, the arch you cover in white paint.  Then, step down on your paper.  The toes are the feet of the penguin.  Then, you paint your thumb and press it down on the paper to make "wings"  this proved to be the most challenging part of the craft, honestly.

To finish, you let your penguin dry, and while it is drying, cut your potato half so that there is only a triangle left in the center.  Once you have a triangle cut, dip it in yellow paint, put it point down on the face of your penguin and press... you could also free hand this, but i have been wanting to make potato art for awhile now and this was a good opportunity.  Finish it by putting eyes on it, and you have a penguin.




I really like our little penguin family :)

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