Saturday, May 11, 2013

Day 130: The Healthiest Ice Cream..

Well, by now, you all know that I am constantly on the look out for something fun to do with the girls, and today, we made shake ice cream.  Some of you may have seen it circulate on facebook, because that is where I found it this week.  It was intriguing because I knew that I readily had all the ingredients on hand.  I didn't take a picture, because, well, this is basically EXACTLY what it looks like.  Ours may have been a TAD softer than this, but darnit, it works. (This photo came from the Confessions of Crafty Witches facebook page... as does the following recipe)

I will add 1 thing to this "ingredients" list for this - OVEN MITTS, or really heavy duty winter gloves, because shaking this bag of ice makes your hands frigid in a hurry!  To change it up a little, I also made one batch using strawberry extract instead of vanilla, and it was VERY yummy.  So the "Vanilla extract", i would replace with "your favorite extract"... i am seriously contemplating chocolate something or other :-p

Now, for why I call this the healthiest ice cream- you have to shake the bag for ~8 minutes! And I did one batch with Penny and one with Iris.  Let me tell you what, I burned all the calories in the ice cream just by shaking that darn 5# bag of ice!

I can honestly say, both Iris and Penny were so excited to make ice cream today.  They love anything that involves helping me in the kitchen, to the point that i have them clearing the table lately, and they think it is awesome!  (wonder how long I can expect this to last? hehe) So getting to pour cream, and sugar, and extract into a bag and mix it up, then getting to pour a bunch of salt into ice, they thought it was so neat!

And, as promised, here is the recipe.  Enjoy!

Ice Cream In A Bag Less Than 10 minutes  ~Frisky

This is old I remember doing this back in school when I was little and when I do it with my kids they are amazed how fast it is lol 

Here is what you will need to make homemade ice cream in a baggie:

2 Tablespoon sugar
1 cup half & half (or light cream)
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup coarse salt or table salt(I used canning salt)
gallon-sized Ziploc bag
pint-sized Ziploc bag

Mix the sugar, half & half and vanilla extract together. Pour into a pint-sized Ziploc baggie. Make sure it seals tightly.

Now take the gallon-sized Ziploc bag and fill it up halfway with ice and pour the salt over the ice. Now place the cream filled bag into the ice filled bag and seal.

Make sure it is sealed tightly and start shaking. Shake for about 5 minutes (or 8 minutes if you use heavy cream.)

Open the gallon-sized bag and check to see if the ice cream is hard, if not keep shaking. Once the ice cream is finished, quickly run the closed pint-sized baggie under cold water to quickly clean the salt off the baggie.

Open the baggie and pop in a spoon.

Hope you enjoy your homemade ice cream in a baggie as much as we do!

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