Sunday, April 28, 2013

Days 117/118

Well, I slacked again, but only because I was out of town for Penny's birthday and didn't bring my laptop with me.  However, thanks to a savvy aunt, we didn't miss craft yesterday!

Day 117:
My aunt works for a pediatrician's office and is in charge of ordering the stickers.  The girls really luck out in this department, because she has a wealth of stickers for them every time we visit!  However, yesterday, she came up with the idea of giving the kids these "build it yourself" stickers.  They are a really cool idea that I had never seen until a few months ago, at her office, and they come in tons of different themes with one main focal point, and then a bunch of little extra pieces to add to the pictures.  Some that she had at her house were birthday cupcakes, shopping carts, princess carriages, cranes, people, teddy bears, fish tanks, and I am sure quite a few more even.  She even had a great idea to put them on wax paper so the kids could move them around as they saw fit... I will need to remember that trick for the next stickering session we have at our house!

Day 118:
Well, I came *this* close to forgetting completely about craft today!  You would think after 118 days, it would be totally ingrained in my head, but it is not apparently :/  So, we stopped at a BP station to fill up on the way back home and I ran in with the express purpose of trying to find something in a convenient store to do craft with.  I had crayons in the car, so i was hopping beyond hope that they would have paper plates... they didn't.  They had styrofoam and plastic, no paper :(  But, they had white, circular coffee filters.  I figured that these would make very cute flowers if colored nicely, so I grabbed them and headed back to the van.
I handed both girls back coffee filters, gathered up as many crayons as i could find that had been strewn through he van, and cut them loose.  After almost 2 hours, this is what we ended up with... 1 usable, very pretty, flower! lol

P.S.- here are the finished Doc McStuffin's Big Books of Boo-Boos

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