Thursday, April 4, 2013

Day 94: Outside Crafting!

OMG!  It is April 4th and FINALLY we had a nice day.  Apparently, Mom was smiling down on the world today, celebrating her 57th birthday.  We spent almost 3 hours outside today, just playing, taking a walk, riding bikes, swinging etc etc etc.  It was so nice, that I decided to do craft outside.  Thanks to my brother-in-law, the wine drinker, we had craft today.

I have been trying to find enough wine corks to do this craft for 4 months now, and until last weekend, I had precisely 1 cork.  But, after last weekend, we were up to 7, enough to make our craft.  Until today, the only thing I had seen made with corks was fall trees.  But, I thought that since it was such a nice day, we would make flowers with them!

I used an old egg carton and filled it with paint, grabbed a few paint brushes and 6 of our wine corks and headed outside with some of our brand new finger paint paper.  Well, ok, acrylic paint isn't finger paint, but it worked well enough!  The girls and I sat down and painted.  Now, Penny, she wasn't so interested, so she put a few strokes of green on the paper and decided to go swing some more, but Iris did stamp for a bit.

Here are today's (and yesterday's) crafts!

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