Sunday, April 14, 2013

Day 104: Birthday "Bonies"

Well, first and foremost, Happy 29th Birthday to my amazing husband!  We had an amazingly relaxing, laid back, fun day.  The first shower that took place in the house today was after 1 this afternoon.  We played outside some, the girls got to go to the park with Mike while I made dinner.  Now we are settling down for the night to play Xbox before bed :)

For Mike's birthday, the kids wanted to make him a cake, but at the last minute we decided to make him brownies.  We bought these amazing Ghiradeli (sp?) double fudge brownies with this amazing icing.  Iris asked if we could make those for craft today, so I was fine with that.  I have decided that "craft" in my mind is anything getting the kids doing something new/different and engaging them in something that is outside of their norm, and baking is something that I am always happy to embrace as the kids are interested.  

I love baking with boxed mixes with the girls.  Mainly because it is typically 3-4 ingredients, including the mix, it doesn't matter which way the are added, and I can easily pre-measure everything before we get started.  In today's case, i was able to let Penny add the mix and the egg and Iris got to add the messier stuff, water and oil, to the bowl.  They were each able to get a turn mixing, and were able to help me pour the batter, and possibly most importantly to them, lick the spoon in the end :)

Once the brownies came out of the oven, Penny was able to help me pour the icing on them, and Iris helped spread it out.  Then, they got to "decorate"  I guess they don't understand dispersing the toppings, because I gave them each 5 cups of "toppings" and they just took turns dumping all of the toppings into one spot on the brownies.  By the time they were done, we had a huge pile of sprinkles in the center of the brownies and and I had to spread out a bit before we could eat them.

But, they were so excited to make the brownies and Penny was absolutely ecstatic about getting to eat the "bonies"  She wanted them for dinner too :-p

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