Friday, April 12, 2013

Day 102: Finger Painting

Can you believe we are over 100 days into this craft thing, and I just now got brave enough to finger paint with the girls.  I mean, it is MESSY... and Penny..... and paint... and well, if you've read this blog in that past, that is enough said :-p  But today, apparently I was bitten by the Finger Paint Paper bug or something, and I broke down and bought finger paints!  I only bought 4 colors, but hey, that got us started.

So, we started with giving each of the girls 1 piece of paper, and 1 squirt of paint at a time.  At first it was kind of funny.  I squeezed the paint onto the paper and said "go ahead" and they both looked at me like I was crazy.  I could actually see the wheels turning in Penny's head: "do I dare touch this with my hands?!?!?" hehe.  But, once they got started, they both had a lot of fun, though they did insist on wiping their hands off each time we finished painting with a color.

The second paper we did was actually collaborative with the girls.  I set them across from each other, and we talked about colors.  I explained to them what primary colors were, and then I explained that when we mix primary colors, we get new colors.  So, we mixed red and blue first, and they were both so excited to see it turn purple.  Then we mixed yellow and red, then blue and yellow.  Then, they decided they wanted to paint the ENTIRE paper.  So this is what we ended up with... with no fighting!

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