Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Day 93: Watercolors

Can you believe we are 93 days into the new year and this is the FIRST time we've done actual watercolors?  We did ice watercolors early on in the year, but to ever just paint with specific watercolor paints, well, this was a first!  Iris does watercolors every week at school, but they do 1 color at a time, and they do the really fancy wet paper watercolors, so this was a new opportunity for her.  Penny had NEVER watercolored before, so it was new for her too.

I remembered why i hate watercolors as soon as we started.  They NEVER stay clean.  As in, when you deal with little ones and watercolors, they CONSTANTLY mix the colors!... especially in a 24 colored pack :/  it makes me want to twitch a little.

Penny found it much more interesting to color the water than paint on the paper.  Iris wanted to color the entire paper like they do in school.  She got almost all the way done, and then Penny spilled her water cup all over the table, quickly ending our watercolor painting excursion.

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