Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Days 85 and 86

Talk about the walking dead.  I can hardly keep my head up to write this blog.  But, I have been slacking lately, though I would like to think that everyone could understand why.  Penny is 110% from where she was when she went into surgery yesterday.  She woke up from getting her adenoids out and she was VERY upset for a few minutes (maybe 45) and she slept in my arms.  But even as she was upset, confused, and tired from the anesthesia  i could hear how different her breathing was from when she went in.  After she slept the last of the anesthesia off, we went home and by the time we were in the van, I could hear how different she sounded too!  She isn't congested anymore!!!! Last night, I kept checking on her because she wasn't snoring.  She is 3 years old (almost) and has snored almost every day of her life.  She is so much better, so happy, and her breathing is so much more relaxed.  In the words of the ENT she had some "Big honkin' adenoids."

If C didn't have to have the arm braces for the next 3 weeks, I think she would be feeling 95% better already.  It boggles my mind how fast kids bounce back.  She had a 3+ hour surgery (from the time they took her back until she came to recovery it was ALMOST 4 hours), and they made 3 incisions in her mouth.  Today, she is eating, smiling, and playing, but the braces are driving her nuts.  Thankfully, as long as we watch her like a hawk, she can have them off.  But nothing can go in her mouth, including her fingers, that isn't super soft foods.  She is sleeping well tonight, and it has already been 4 hours since she had her pain meds.  She is going about 5-6 hours between doses and the doing well.  Metro treated her like a little queen, she came home with an adorable hand-knit hat, a handmade quilt, and a super soft stuffed shark- which Mike has named Henry the Hospital Shark.

Now, all three kids are at home, sleeping in their own beds, my hubby is at his computer, and I feel like my life is complete again.  I am one blessed mama here!

But, as promised, kids are doing a craft a day, and with the help of their AWESOME Aunt Natalie, Iris had craft yesterday :)  Penny wasn't really feeling it, but Iris enjoyed helping Aunt Natalie make these adorable Peep Blue Birds in nests.  They were really simple, a bag of melted candy chips (in our case PB), 2 cups of rice krispies, and 1 cup of chinese noodles.  They mixed them all up and dropped them by big spoon fulls onto a sheet of wax paper.  Then they made an imprint in the center and stuck a Peep bird in it and decorated the nest with jelly bean eggs.  Iris really enjoyed them, and LOVED showing her daddy when he came home.

Today, I made the Peeps bunny/M&M cake.  I was going to let each girl make their own cake, so I bought a box of lemon cake mix and a box of strawberry, but wouldn't you know, the girls BOTH wanted lemon!  So, I made 2 9" round lemon cakes and stacked them up on top of each other with some icing, iced the outsides, and let the girls have at it!  I split the Peeps and the M&Ms in half and they went to town.  I REALLY wanted to find the multi colored Peeps Bunnies, but I could only find yellow, so I gave them a little something extra to break up the sea of yellow Peeps!

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