Friday, March 15, 2013

Day 74: Crowns

Well, I knew that was going to happen.  We made crowns out of felt for Iris's class last night, Penny woke up and bawled that she wanted "her" crown.  The only way I convinced her to take it off her head was to promise to make her her own crown for craft today.

Felt Crowns are about the easiest thing ever to make, you need a grand total of 4 things:

a few sheets of felt
hot glue/thread

You could theoretically by a strip of felt on a bolt at the craft store, or you could cut a $0.20 sheet of felt in half long ways, and quickly stitch them together to make a long strip of felt.... i did the latter of the two.

Then, cut out some shapes with various colors of felt.

Then, glue or sew them into place.  Last night, I whip stitched shapes onto the crowns for Iris's class.  Today, I just hot glued them.

In order to get the girls to "help" with craft today, they chose their hat colors, their string color (for stitching the crown together) and then they chose the colors for their shapes.  After their shapes were cut, I allowed them to help glue their pieces to their hats.  VERY carefully, Penny still remembers getting glued at Nana's house a few weeks ago, it has kept her on the straight and narrow, at least as far as hot glue is concerned!

To keep with the shamrock theme, I cut out a shamrock pattern for each of them to glue to their crown.  They turned out very cute, but they both went to bed with them, so no pictures :(

On a side note, if you don't follow me on Facebook- Fish LIVES!  I am 99% certain that he had/has ammonia poisoning.  We are lucky we decided to do a 50% water change last night, in hopes that it would perk him up some and that we weren't too late.  We went to bed with him sunk to the bottom on his side, his belly half floating.  This morning, and all day today, he has been swimming like his normal self.  Mike just changed his water, he looks happy, and is actually having to actively try to stay at the bottom, instead of having to work with all his might to get an inch off the bottom :)  His gills are still a little red, he's got a small red spot on his face, and under his front fins are slightly red, which leads me to believe that it was, in fact, an ammonia issue.  Going to the fish store tomorrow to have the water tested, make sure we are on the right track... never thought a fair fish could live 4.5 years!  May have to have a fish birthday party this year :-p

1 comment:

  1. Will look forward to a picture of the Crown......great idea...
