Monday, March 18, 2013

Day 77: Foam Easter Bunny Faces

I don't think I have had a day get away from me like I had today!  I swear, I blinked, it was 12:30, and next thing I knew it was 5:10 and we hadn't done craft.  Holy crap, where did today go?????  I knew I wanted to make something Easter related, so I started to think quick... and on these days where I have to think quick, I am more and more and more thankful that I have been doing crafts for 77 days now, because crafts on the fly are getting easier!

I reorganized the craft room over the weekend, so by just opening a drawer, I was able to find all the foam I could need for this project.  To make it even better is that we had white SPARKLY foam!  I cut bunny face pieces out of the foam.  White faces, pink/purple ears and noses.  I got out googly eyes out, the glue, and a black marker.

It is hard for me to give up control at times, and just let the girls make their own creations.  I am so by the books, I don't think outside of the box, an ear should go where an ear goes, etc.  I have been working very hard on giving up that control and just letting the girls create.  So today, I handed over the glue, I handed over the pieces, and I said "go for it".  Iris did SOOO well!  She put the ears on the ears, all of the face parts went where they should, and when I gave her the marker to make the face, she said "what does it look like?" so I drew a smiley face on a scrap of foam, and she copied it by herself.  Proud mommy moment. :)

Then there was Penny!  Eyes on the ears, ears on the cheeks, face on the forehead, nose under on the cheek lol.  Oh, Penny, I love her ability to eschew the expected!
btw, rock candy hasn't done much yet :/

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