Sunday, March 10, 2013

Day 68/69: Failure to success

I didn't blog yesterday because we were out of town, celebrating Coraline's first birthday!  I knew I was going to have to do a craft with the kids while we were with my family, so as we were out shopping yesterday, I found Mickey/Minnie perler beads.  It has been YEARS since I've made anything with Perler beads, but I remember having a blast with them as a kid.  The girls were both SO excited to make Mickey/Minnie crafts since they absolutely love Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
We got to my dad's, and as dinner was cooking, Mike and I sat down with the girls and opened up the perler beads and tried to get the girls to make the Mickey/Minnie patterns.  I was disappointed to see how that they weren't quite as kid friendly as I was expecting.  #1, they were square peg boards when I thought they would be shaped like a Mickey or Minnie head to just put beads on top of... and then, the "pattern" got set under the peg board and you had to match the colored perler bead to colored pattern.  It was hard to figure out what color was under the peg board, especially when it was between peach and white.
Penny proceeded to spill her bead bag all over my dad's kitchen floor and sent us running to pick them up before C could get a chance to eat them.  Penny didn't find a bit of it interesting, I spent most of my time grabbing beads as they were falling off the table, and Iris put about 4 beads onto her peg board before telling us "I'm done.  I don't like this."  To say the very least, i was bummed.  On the plus side, Mike managed to make a Mickey head!
That brings us to today, as we are sitting at my aunt's house with my cousin and waiting for Coraline to wake up to open gifts and have cake and ice cream.  My cousin, Natalie, caught sight of the perler bead kit and got SO excited over it, that the kids decided they wanted to make them again.  So we, Natalie, Aunt Kim, Iris, Penny, and I run into the kitchen, open the package and start.  I couldn't believe it, they loved it!  Iris actually did REALLY well with her Mickey Mouse head and tried HARD to match the bead colors with pattern.  When Dustin showed up, he helped Iris finish, she ended up with a Mickey Mouse with chicken pox.
Penny ended up making a "Mickey" as well... I was impressed that she actually sat long enough to put all the beads on the pegboard though.  I was really happy with her patience.
I will get the pictures from Natalie tomorrow (or try) and will add them to tomorrows blog.  But, I was happy overall.  Total failure to success!

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