Friday, March 29, 2013

Day 87: Egg Dying gone wrong...

We tried a new dye technique with eggs last night.  I am sorry I didn't post last night, but as I got ready to start, Penny woke up crying for a nightmare, and I went upstairs to quiet her down.  I took her out of her room, laid down with her in bed, and I fell asleep about 30 seconds later! haha.  Oh well, I know I needed the sleep!

I saw the "shaving cream egg dying" trick on Facebook, so I thought I would give it a try... honestly, it didn't work well at all.  But, I will get to that in a moment.

First, you need el cheapo shaving cream, you know that $1 beard buster stuff?  Yeah, that.  You need some neon food coloring, a tooth pick, cookie sheets, and some eggs.

Well, first, you spread shaving cream all over the cookie sheet, then drop drops of foo

d coloring around the tray.  Use the toothpick to "swirl" the food coloring into the shaving cream.  Once it has a marbley, swirly look, roll the eggs into the food coloring and let them sit overnight. When you wipe them off, they are supposed to be marbled.

Well, problem 1, I didn't use gloves, I was dyed from wrist to finger tip, and still am.  Now, I used brown eggs, I didn't expect them to get as dark as I would normally expect white eggs to turn, but, this morning, as i was wiping the eggs down, they started sweating as they got warm and sweat the marbling straight off.  that is to say the ones that got "marbled" in the first place.  Most of them just looked like brown eggs.  Overall, I would say craft flop.  Won't be trying this technique again!

The girls however, had a BLAST playing in a second tray of shaving cream.  I must be a mean mommy because I had never let them play with shaving cream before, they had it EVERYWHERE, but boy did they have fun :)  Penny tried helping with the eggs, but she lost interest quickly.  I think some of these may just be a hair out of their age range and I don't realize it when I plan things.

But, I look like a dye factory exploded on my hands :/

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