Thursday, July 25, 2013

Update, again... We are up to day 205 now

So, let me start this with the fact that I forgot a day last week... We made Light Sabers out of pool noodles.  I got the idea from this website, but realized quickly that the duct tape/electrical tape thing was going to be too advanced for the girls.  So, I wrapped them with large (3 inch) masking tape and let the girls color them with Sharpies... amazingly enough, the color stayed on the tape and NOT on their hands!!!!

Now, back to our regularly scheduled programming...

I honestly don't remember how long it has been since I sat down to blog.  I do know this though, since Tuesday, we have been INSANE.  I mean, absolutely, positively, CRAZY at our house.  First, Coraline randomly spiked a fever Monday night in the tub, she was sick all day Tuesday and woke up Wednesday feeling MUCH better.  Last night at dinner- at the Hilton, mind you- Penny puked ALL over the carpet.  "Mommy, my tummy hurts" BLAAAHHHHHH all over the place- what a mess.  We felt horrible.  I scooped her up and ran, leaving poor mike behind to deal with Iris and Coraline and the epic puke puddle she left in the dinning room :/  Iris woke up at 4 a.m. throwing up, and they both had fevers by the time we woke up this morning.  We have seriously LAID around the house on this gorgeous 75* sunny day and did nothing :(  On top of the illnesses, we've been going back and forth to Cleveland State because Mike's aunt Nana has been swimming in the senior olympics this week.  She got a Silver on Tuesday and a Gold on Wednesday, but unfortunately, she fell and needed, many stitches in her leg and was unable to compete in her last two events today.

But!  We did craft every day, despite illness, puking, fevers, olympics, etc.

Tuesday: Day 203

I had no idea how long we were going to be sitting at the swim meet, so I packed a big bag oh stuff to keep me and the kids busy while we waited for Aunt Nana to swim.  As I was packing the bag, i threw in crayons, construction paper, foam stickers, beads, balloons, and fishing line... yes, this is the life of a craft mom lol.  I decided, as I was loading the bag, that we could make "noise makers" with balloon and beads.  So we did, we filled balloons with beads and then blew them up and tied them off.  I then tied fishing line around them so they didn't blow away... what i failed to account for was Penny being penny and popping the balloon and the 100+ beads she put in the balloon FLYING all over the stands... so, we played 100 pick up... yeah, that was fun... BUT, they were a huge hit, needless to say, it looks like a balloon, and the other 2 have deflated so, no pictures, nothing exciting to show really.

Day 204:

We made a "go nana go" sign yesterday at the swim meet.  I gave the girls a piece of construction paper and crayons and told them to "have fun"  So they colored and colored and right before Aunt Nana swam, we put the foam stickers on.  She said she was able to see it from the pool.  I think it really made her happy.

Day 205:

Ok, so i've been kind of keeping these little "Science experiments" in my head for the last few months.  I wanted to use them for a week right before school started, just to give the kids something to think about and see how things worked.  Well, today, with Iris and Penny running 102* fevers and throwing up, I decided to pull out one of the experiments... I saw this in Family Fun mag and I thought it would be perfect for the girls.  All you need for this is a package of dry yeast, 1/2 cup warm water, a water bottle, a balloon, and a 1tsp of sugar.  Put the 1/2 cup warm water (warm, NOT hot, hot will kill the yeast) into the bottle, then add the package (2 1/4 tsp) dry yeast, and 1 tsp of sugar into the bottle.  Give the bottle a swirl and put the balloon over the mouth and wait.  Within 10 minutes, the balloon goes from totally flat to standing upright above the bottle.  Pretty neat.  The girls were SUPER excited when the balloon started to rise from the side.  Very cute.

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