Friday, July 5, 2013

Day 183, 184, 185

I really haven't been TRYING to slack the last few days, honestly, but we have been so busy that by the time we get home, i am ready to pass out!  We went out to dinner then bowling on Wednesday and didn't get home until after 10 p.m. (SOOOO late for us!) and then last night was fireworks.  The kids didn't get to bed until midnight!  omg, i thought I was going to die of exhaustion!

Iris has actually been taking charge of Craft recently.  On Wednesday, she got out paper and crayons and made an "Envelope" for her nana's card  (that we mailed 2 weeks ago.. apparently, she doesn't fully understand the concept of the US mail yet.)  I cannot find the silly paper right now to take a picture of it, but I will say this, it looks VERY inappropriate!  Even mike looked at it and went "ummm, is that what it looks like????"  Well, it wasn't, it was an envelope, that she was very proud of making lol.

On Thursday, we made patriotic pinwheels.  I found this really easy tutorial here:  we cut 9x9 squares of construction paper, and the girls decorated them to be red, white, and blue.... I made a flag on mine :)  It has the right # of stripes AND the right # of stars!!! (very proud of myself lol).  Anyway, we put a foam sticker in the center once we folded the corners down, to keep everything in place.  I put a straight pin through it all and stuck them into beeswax candles.  I did add a small perler bead to the back side of the pinwheel too, it makes it spin MUCH nicer.  Theoretically, I should have used a pencil with an eraser to stick the straight pin into, but who uses #2 pencils anymore???  I had to make do with what we had.  (no pictures yet- Mike hasn't e-mailed them to me)

Today (friday) Iris told me in the car this morning that she wanted to make "trees" today, "snowmen" and "x" trees.. what exactly those were, I did not know, but hey, who am I to judge?  Well, we got home tonight, Penny is not feeling well at all, so we got her to bed early, and Iris and I came down to do craft.  I was getting ready to grab the balloons and Iris came out of the back room with scissors and a sheet of pink paper and told me she was making a "snowman tree"  So, i sat next to her and watched as she cut the paper very methodically and made sure that everything was exactly so before going back to the craft room, finding a pink (sparkly) crayon and proceeded to make ornaments.  To finish it off, she made sure to "connect" the ornaments so that they did not fall off.  She informed us both that it is a very fragile tree and we must be careful with it.

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