Sunday, July 7, 2013

Days 186/187

Well, craft this weekend theoretically should have been done in one day, but we were SO busy yesterday that it just wasn't going to happen.  If you are a regular reader, or just a huge Home Depot fan, you know by now that the first saturday of every month is a kids workshop.  Well, this month, it just so happened to fall on the same day as my High School reunion.  So, we made sure to get there at 9 a.m. so that we could leave straight from there and go to Columbus for my reunion.  We didn't get home until after the girls' bedtimes last night, so we finished it up today.

This month, the craft at home depot was a Despicable Me car... now, time for a confession, i've never seen either movie, I don't have a clue what either are about. but we built the cars then we painted them.  After previous experience, we realized that we were better off putting the wheels on AFTER the cars were painted, so, we took the wheels, axles, stickers, and wet cars to Columbus with us and enjoyed the day at the Linworth reunion.

Today, when we were finally awake and moving, Mike helped the girls hammer their tires into their cars and then tonight, the girls and I put their stickers on.  Iris did almost all of her sticker decorating by herself, i helped with the side panels.

I bet you can guess which one belongs to Iris!

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