Thursday, June 6, 2013

Day 156: At least it's not a leap year :/

Yeah, i'm burning out on the blog again.  It is just getting monotonus, so Mike spends a lot of the evening many nights going "blog" "Have you blogged?" "You need to blog" "It is getting late, blog" "BLOG"  "B.L.O.G.!"  Yup, tonight would be one of those nights.  I looked up at the clock to see what day my blog is and I realize, "Wow, I've only done 156 crafts... I still have 209 to go :/" And my husband, being the silver lining that he can be, says "Well, think of it this way, at least it's not a leap year."  Yes, at least it's not a leap year... but I have digressed, so let me get back on track, craft, right.

Well, today was Iris' last day of school for the year, my "baby" is not starting pre-k in the fall, and she asked to make princesses today.  Well, i had these grand ideas of making construction paper princess dresses/dolls/etc for her.  I got up to start getting craft ready, walked into the kitchen, and discovered that Coraline had peed all over the floor (She has a HORRIBLE diaper rash that we are trying to clear up, so we've been letting her crawl around with no diaper on whenever possible, we have hardwood floors mind you), and, not only had she peed on the floor, she had begun removing the CLEAN silverware from the dishwasher and dropping in the pee puddle that she left.  Well, I had to take care of ALL of that immediately, and ended up forgetting completely about craft.

Mike got home as I was finishing up the pee cleaning, and we left immediately for Menchies because, once a year, on the last day of school, we have ice cream for dinner.  As we were finishing our Fro-Yo, Mike says "You've done craft, right?" and I respond, "Um, no..." so then the conversation goes, "I totally thought you would have had craft done by now."  "Well honey, i got ready to do it, but Coraline decided to pee on our clean dishes- i got side tracked cleaning that up."  I should have told him that I left 1 spoon for him in the morning for his cereal ;-)

Thankfully for us, Menchies gives the kids a little "DIY" kit when they visit.  Tonight, they got cardboard "ice cream trucks"  I decided that those would be great crafts to do quickly when we got home.  So, we spent a good 15 minutes putting together our Menchies Ice Cream Trucks, adding skateboards, snowboards, and bikes to them, my question is this: What climate can you use ALL three of those items in a weekend???  And then, Penny decided to go to sleep with hers.  We warned her that it is cardboard, and if she rolls over on it, it will get crushed.  Well, guess what, 10 minutes ago, Penny tells me "Mommy, my van go crunched."  To which I replied, in my most sympathetic voice, "well honey, we told you that would happen if you went to bed with it, it is just cardboard" while thinking "SEE?!?!?!? and why are you up at 10pm?!?!?!?!"

So there it is, today's craft, and a story to go along with it... P.S. silverware got re-washed..

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