Sunday, March 3, 2013

Days 60, 61, and 62

So, this is how I know that my life has been completely taken over by craft.  Friday (Day 60) we left the house at 7:45 for school, Iris had school from 8:30 until 12 and we left directly from school to go to Austintown (Youngstown area) to meet my dad to drop the girls off.  So, I started thinking about the fact that I just would NOT be able to get a craft done with the girls.  AND to top it off, it was still Penguin Week!  I knew I had to do a craft, so as I was packing the van to send the kids to my aunt's house, I packed scissors haha.

Well, as I drove to school, I started thinking.  I knew that there was peel and stick foam, and I HOPED that there was such a thing as peel and stick googly eyes.  I was in luck, googly eyes come in peel and stick form, not only that, but they come in different sizes, and you can even get them in PINK! haha.  Well, I grabbed a sheet of black foam, a sheet of peel and stick white, a sheet of peel and stick yellow, and a package of peel and stick googly eyes.  I got to Iris' school to pick her up and sat in the parking lot cutting out penguin shapes for the girls.  I first cut out a sort of oblong shape for the body, then a smaller oblong shape for the belly, and a triangle for the beak.  I gave each girl a set of body parts and a set of eyes and told them to have at it.  Unfortunately, the I do not have pictures... at least yet.. I'll get there, but we have been crazy busy this weekend.

Saturday was day 61 and the girls were at my aunts house.  This is what I got via text from my cousin last night:
Photo: So Kara Lustig does a craft a day with the girls. This week's theme is penguins. Kim Mack and I were in charge of crafts this weekend... Not too shabby!
I died, they are so stinking cute.  I am really impressed with whomever found this idea, because I have not seen anything like it on any website.  And I found a whole website on penguin crafts!  It appears to be a water bottle filled with cotton balls and a strip of construction paper/foam around the top for the head, and foam wings and feet. I loved the feather on the top of Iris' penguin.  I knew that it was Iris' before Nat even told me because the eyes were so big!  I love that Penny chose pink eyes.  They are absolutely adorable :)  Good going Aunt Kim and Natalie, props to you two!

Sunday, Day 62:
I got a call from my aunt this morning telling me that Penny was coming home with a goose egg on her head from a mysterious fall last night and a burn on her finger from craft this morning.  Now, I don't know about other mom's out there, I am sure that there are some that would be quite concerned/worried that their kid gets a knot on their head and a burn on their finger while away from home... but this is Penny we are talking about.  I am sort of surprised it wasn't more!
But, craft today were the most adorable bunny hair clips I have ever seen.  I don't know where my aunt found the makings for these, but they were just very basic hair clips that they glued a strip of felt to and then glued a bunny face to them.  After that, each girl got to peel and stick the pinks of the bunnies ears and a flower onto the bunny.  They were wearing them when they got home today and I think they were the cutest :)  Of course, Penny glued her finger to the barrette while making them, but hey, that is Penny!  Now maybe she will learn what it means when we tell her "don't touch, it is hot"... yeah right, kid takes after me, she will make the same mistake 500 times and then do the same thing again the next time!  Found a picture on my aunt's facebook page.  YAY Pictures!!! :)  (Also, do you notice the PENGUIN PJs?  We are seriously a bunch of penguin lovers in this house!)

The little break was nice.  Two nights of no blog was nice, but I will admit that I have missed craft time with the girls.  I will be glad to get back to a normal schedule tomorrow.

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