So, onto "craft" 2. It is actually totally related to craft 1, but I just want to take a proud mommy moment because sometimes, I feel like I don't celebrate the little milestones enough at times. Iris asked me if she could write her name on the back of her penguin with chalk. She started with the I and then I asked if she could make an R and she managed to make a very nice R without any help.. but then she ran out of room. So i grabbed the scrap of black paper and wrote her name on the top and asked her if she could write it. Well, this is what came of that. I was so proud of her that i was clapping and cheering her on and I could see how excited she was in her face. Well, I was so proud, that I wanted to save it for her, and of COURSE it was written in lime green chalk. So, the first thing that runs through my head is "$#@!, this is done for." but then i remembered that I had spray on clear coat in the basement. So I went running down there, grabbed the clear coat, and sprayed it on the construction paper. I had this brief second where I thought I ruined it because the chalk completely disappeared. I was convinced that it was gone forever and I was getting ready to kick myself in the butt and suddenly, the chalk reappeared! So, now I have Iris' first ever written name, clear coated, on a sheet of construction paper, to save for her. One day, in 20 years she is going to look at me and say, "Mom, you were absolutely ridiculous you know that???" and I am going to smile and remember how happy and excited we both where. And I hope I remember her standing there in that pink princess dress-up gown and tiara, jumping up and down and smiling ear to ear.
And, that brings us to craft #3. Totally unrelated to #1 and #2. I started this with the girls before Christmas, and just never got around to finishing it. I don't know why, because it took me all of 30 seconds to get it finished, but I guess it was just easier to procrastinate. Mike actually did the hand prints with the girls before Christmas, then I didn't have a star stamp for the top and oddly, it took me almost 2 months to find it. Then, all I had to do was stick Coraline's feet at the bottom of the tree before her feet grew too big to fit on the canvas... yeah right, i think she'll be 6 before her feet get that big lol. But, I did it today, and it looks adorable! I can't wait to hang it in our office :)
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